Compact LifeStyle Affiliate Disclosure Notice - Studio Franco Design
This affiliate disclosure details affiliate relationships that Studio Franco Design has with other companies and products.
Please see also the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in the Full Disclaimer which governs the use of this Website.
Compact Lifestyle Guide and Compact Living are the property of Studio Franco Design® – here-in-after referred to as The Studio.

All of the products featured on this Website are provided by any of the Affiliate Partners - here-in-after referred to variously as the Vendor / Vendors, who compensate The Studio, if and when a customer referred by this website, makes a purchase on the Vendor website.
This is a for-profit business and not a hobby.
This Affiliate Disclosure is made in compliance with:
> U.S. F.T.C. Consumer Protection guidelines. See:
> Advertising Standards Authority U.K. guidlines. See:
(To view these links - copy and paste)
Assume the following about all links, posts, photos and other material on this website:
Product related links on this website are Affiliate Vendor links from which The Studio receives a small commission, at no extra cost to you.
These links are always disclosed in the statement – right below the “I Want This >>” Purchase Button on every featured product.
This does not influence the products I recommend, or how and where a product appears on any page on this Website.
Nor does this influence my evaluations.
My Product Selection is based on:
• consumer reviews of a particular product
• my product design criteria as guided by the principles of sound Industrial Design
Opinions expressed on this Website are my own.
Writing to me to object to any expressed opinion makes that objection my personal property - to do with as I please.
This means that I can publish it for the purpose of "demonstration" in any article that I write in the future.
The Studio is a participant in the Associates Programs of:
These companies are reputable, established business operations - trading and operating in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Why So Many Affiliate Programs?
Because only a tiny number of any Vendor products in any particular product range meet the Product Design standards that The Studio wishes to be associated with.
Why no Direct Links to these Programs?
The Studio reserves the right to not clutter this Website with non-commercial links that merely serve to drive traffic to a non-commercial target.
The Studio is not a link farm. Nor does it benefit from reciprocal referrals from Vendors.
As a User of this Website, you are urged to visit the Vendor sites yourself – if you want the Affiliate Program information – or contact The Studio.
The Studio’s Mission
The Studio aims to help consumers to make better-informed buying decisions in the purchase of Small Home Appliances, rather than making tedious searches across multiple websites hoping something will “leap out” at them.
The Studio believes that a good way to be a savvy “marketer” is to create opportunities and get paid for its efforts.
After all, you work hard, you get compensated, right?
The Studio provides these PARTICULAR Appliances in order to help you, the Consumer, to create positive changes in your life, and will only recommend Appliances or other products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.
The Studio will never recommend a Vendors product simply because it pays us a commission.
Products are selected based on the high design and manufacturing standards of the BRAND – not the Vendor.
The Studio recommends Home Appliances of Brands I have personally used in the past. Or that I have investigated, and come highly recommended by trusted product review sources.
(After all, if we only recommended products we’re using ourselves right now, we’d be doing you a disservice, because there are tools that are a great fit even when one may not actually possess it oneself. Make sense?)
What is an Affiliate Link?
All of the Product links on this Website are affiliate links.
This means that a special tracking code is used by the Vendor to verify the “in-bound source” – this website – as the Referrer of an item, when you purchase from a Vendor through one of these links.
This code is what helps the Vendor pay commission to The Studio.
Pricing Policy
The price of the item is the same for you whether it is an affiliate link or not. Using affiliate links helps me to maintain this Guide and support my other on-line projects.
Limitation of Affiliate Links
• Unless noted otherwise, any product The Studio links to is one of a Brand whose products I have purchased myself .
• The Studio does not accept free products for a favorable review, or write product sponsored posts.
Nature of Affiliate Relationships
Please note - that while I may have personally purchased any of these Brands’ appliances in the past, and have used professional unbiased reviews of every product I link to, these products are purchased from third party Vendors - and The Studio does not control these Vendors, nor have a financial interest, other than an Affiliate relationship, with them.
Handling & Shipping
For this reason, The Studio cannot ensure that any item purchased through a link on this Website is shipped on time, packaged properly, or that you will like it. (Which would be strange indeed).
Any problems or concerns with a specific product purchased through a link on this Website should be directed to the Vendor the item was purchased from.
You are reminded that as a Customer, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY that YOU RETAIN all correspondence, order numbers, invoice numbers & waybill tracking documentation provided to you by the Vendor.
Copyright and Rights Reserved
Apart from the Advertorial Marketing Content written by The Studio - All of the information provided on this Website, including product images, product descriptions, price points and any audio or video media, are the sole property of the Vendors and the Brands/Manufacturers that they represent.
Any other images are the sole copyrighted property of Studio Franco Design®, unless specifically credited to an individual or company.
Information in this Affiliate Disclosure is Copyright © 1998-2023 and may be downloaded, reproduced, republished or otherwise copied WITH express written permission of the author and attribution to StudioFrancoDesign®.
The Website and all of its Content and the selection and arrangement thereof, is protected as a compilation owned by StudioFrancoDesign® under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries.
The Studio may change the Website or delete any Content, features, or services at any time, for any or no reason.
The Studio reserves all rights not expressly granted, in and to the Website and the Content.
Website Continuance and Availability
While every effort is made to keep the Website operational and running smoothly, The Studio takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the Website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues resulting from failure of the Hosting Service, which is beyond our control.
Should you have any questions regarding any of the preceeding information, please contact Studio Franco Design® using the e-mail address at the bottom of every page.
Do not phone me - because I will request you to make your comments in writing. So you will be wasting our time.
Nothing like preserving the evidence, Eh?
Please see also the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in the Full Disclaimer which governs the use of this Website.
Invitation for You to Participate
As a purchaser of any product from any Vendor, you are encouraged to provide me with information / feedback on
• your experience with the Vendor
• your assessment of the purchased products performance
Such information will help The Studio to identify/rectify Vendor related issues.
Your feedback - with your EXPRESSED WRITTEN permission - may be used / featured in any article I may wish to write about Affiliate Marketing in general, or Vendors in particular.
Or, your feedback may prompt me to write such article.
Any such article may be accredited to yourself, BY NAME, if you so wish.
Any written permission originating from you, relating to your obervations, experiences or concerns - that could invite legal professional privelege, will filed and kept, in compliance with prevailing Consumer Protection laws in the United Kingdom, or the United States.
Thank you, for your co-operation.
Now go and buy something nice!
Moreno Franco.