How to Enjoy Life and the Advantages of Living in a Small Apartment
Spend more time doing what you enjoy and less time on household chores and shopping for stuff you will junk in 18 months.
You can finally de-clutter, and determine what is truly important versus what is just “there” because it is. Being in a tiny apartment will make you to think about the value of other things in your life.
With fewer things to have to deal with, there will be less for you to do to keep your living environment looking and feeling great!
A Small Apartment is Easier to Maintain
Small apartments are tidied faster
When it comes to comfort, living in a small apartment has the advantage of it being easier to focus on making your environment comfortable and appealing. It is far easier to create a cozy atmosphere, or to change the decor or layout.
Easier to organize a small apartment
With much less room for extra things that can accumulate - when you live in a small space, you will keep only what you really like or need, making your apartment easier to organize and clean.
A small apartment easier to clean
The bigger your place, the more time it takes to clean or to maintain it. If you enjoy your time and and don’t want to spend too much time and energy achieving cleanliness and order, this is definitely my favourite benefit of living in a small space.
You’ll have more free time because you’ll spend less time cleaning and organizing.
A Small Apartment is Cheaper to Decorate, Furnish and Run
Small apartments are easier to decorate
You can reflect your character and style in a limited area, with just a few beautiful pieces to give your apartment the look and effect you want.
When it comes to decorating, you’ll get more bang for your buck – And buy less junk.
Because you will have to think twice – before you buy.
Cheaper to furnish a small apartment (Maybe)
It takes huge sums of money to make a large space look warm, cozy and inviting. On the other hand, small apartments make furnishing (and remodeling) much simpler and more affordable. Instead of several pieces of large, expensive furniture, you only need a few to emphasize your style, and you'll have enough money left over for little things like candles and flowers.
You’ll save a lot of money
You’ll spend less cash on home décor because you have nowhere to put it.
Also, the smaller your space the smaller your monthly bills - since it takes less energy to light up, heat up and cool down your space.
A small apartment gives you the freedom from these financial issues by letting you dramatically reduce your expenses, allowing you to spend more money on week-end breaks and doing things you enjoy.
A Stress-free Minimalist Approach
A simpler life and less stuff to clutter it
Minimalism is almost a must when living in a small space like a studio apartment.
Becoming more of a minimalist, you’ll simplify every aspect of your home life, with a way easier time cleaning up and keeping track of your things.
So, you can be more creative
Living in a small apartment requires some creative thinking “inside the box”.
Coming up storage space solutions is one of them. You’ll get inspired to make your small space chic, and you’ll get creative in decorating it to make it look bigger, brighter and less confined.
Who knows? Maybe your mental health will improve
In the best-selling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo, she mentioned that a clean living space is good for your mental health, while you aim for: "once-cleaned, never-messy-again".
The Art of Compact Living
Bring life to Compact Living by outfitting your Compact Lifestyle space with the optimum small home appliances.
Smart choices make the seemingly utilitarian approach a happy and liveable one.
My small home appliances Guide to Compact Living saves you from the heart-ache and pain of becoming a victim of "Buying Junk You Dont Need"! I cut through the veil of marketing BS to present you with the "short-and-sweet", no-nonsense version - of Important Things to Buy - That Work.
The Bonuses of Living in a Small Apartment
Also, a smaller space can provide you with the benefit of a greater sense of control over your environment. You’ll find that you wont haveto play host to large groups of friends.
If you want to entertain - do what I do. Take them to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. And leave the mess behind.
You save on spending NO time shopping for groceries and cooking them. NO electricity spent on cooking. NO time on washing dishes.
NO expense on dish-washing liquid and hot water.
You’ll reduce your negative impact on the environment – what ever that may mean to you.
BONUS - Relocating will be easier when it comes time to move on.
by Moreno Franco
I am a graphic designer and industrial product designer who has worked 40 years in the Advertising & Marketing Industry.
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