Recommended “Must-Have” Household Appliances for Small Apartment Compact Living
A household appliance as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is: “a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, such as cooking or cleaning, in the home.”
My list of must-have household appliances is a list of the most important electrical kitchen appliances and the few domestic appliances that you absolutely, positively “Must-Have” for your small apartment.
There are a myriad other appliances, devices, gadgets, labour-savers and gimmicks – if you have the time and money to DESPERATELY shop for them – go for it.
They are not essential, and many/most do not fit into the profile of Compact Living. They are the excess clutter that you are escaping from.
Your Appliance Checklist for a Small Appartment
Here - in MY order of importance - as I start my day in my day in my Compact Lifestyle. . .
Electric Kettle: Having hot water for a cup of tea, coffee or any other hot beverage is essential.
Waiting for a stove-top kettle is so plebian – who can figure that out?
Also – having ready boiled water for some of your cooking operations is a time and electricity saver.
Get hot water within a minute with an electric kettle.
Food Blender / Chopper: If you have ever spent time in a kitchen cooking, you will understand the importance of a blender. Blenders grind food within seconds and save minutes and energy that would have been spent doing that task.
Here is a variety of my recommended hand-held blenders and countertop food blender / chopper combos.
Air Fryer: I love this one. "Air fryer" is a marketing phrase, made up in a board room somewhere to describe a MINIATURE Griller that is different from the STANDARD old-fashioned griller.
Does every thing a griller does, but in a fancy polycarbonate shell, instead of steel.
I have to admit - an Air Fryer looks nicer than the good ole stainless steel griller. Or Does It?
Microwave Oven: More than just warming up or defrosting food. A microwave oven is a great time and money saving device. Like all other cooking appliances, you just have to LEARN To Cook.
Otherwise - save money and order take-outs! Or not!
Nothing like loading the phone bill and waiting for the delivery guy, Eh?
Electric Woks & Fryers: Stir-frying is THE healthy alternative to frying (which always needs oil). Quicker than boiling (everything to death). An electric Wok saves cooking time – and also electricity. Ultimately – stir-fried food has a better Taste and Texture.
And it is not generously coated in over-processed, deep-fried fat.
Electric Fryers are a quick and convenient way of preparing several things for one meal - at the same time. Breakfast - for example.
Mini Counter-top Ovens: Does not require the floor-space or electricity usage of a standard stove with oven. A mini-oven is needed to bake the best of foods. IF you are a serious and dedicated “baker of baked goods”. If you are not – a Microwave Oven can do everything that will spice up your meals with different recipes and delicacies.
Mini-ovens fit comfortably on a counter top, and also have two standard stove plates.
And then you won't need a Microwave Oven.
Nice-To-Have Compact Lifestyle Household Appliances
Not in any particular order. I love coffee. However, in MY Compact Life - I am prepared to live with the BEST Instant Coffee at home -
saving time, space and money.
I get my beautiful coffee at any of the fine Italian and German coffee shops I regularly visit. However -
Coffee Maker: This Compact Living guide is NOT about Cafetière style coffee presses, or Nespresso machines. Those are a dime-a-dozen, and you can get them everywhere. Even in second-hand shops.
However - If you enjoy ground coffee, having a coffee making machine in your Compact Lifestyle home is a matter of survival.
If you have to get your coffee fresh from the bean – you should make sure that the Food Blender that you buy can also grind coffee.
A machine that does both will save space and money. Proves that you are smarter than the average coffee drinker.
Vacuum Cleaner: A DIY or Robotic vacuum cleaner comes in handy for carpets and stone tiled floors. The only reason to use a vacuum cleaner on polished wood or wood deko-tiled or porcelain tiled floors is to save you time and physical work. Which makes sense in a big house.
If you are living in a small apartment, the physical work SHOULD be viewed as part of your excercise regimen.
Stay fit AND save electricity at the same time. BUT! If you have to - I also have Robot Vacuum Cleaners. (Later)
Steam Iron: Gets your clothes looking crisp. If you wear nice shirts or trousers, or skirts or blouses. And have to, for the purpose of your career. A good iron in your Compact Lifestyle is a must. Otherwise – if dressing like a homeless transient is your style – It is time to get a bit of Class in your life.
Anything Else Not on the List of Compact Living Home Appliances. . .
Before you rush out to buy it.
1 – Do you REALLY need it?
2 – Is there a place to put it?
3 – Does it look Sexy?
If you cannot say yes to all three – send the money you save, to me.
With a thank-you note.
by Moreno Franco
I am a graphic designer and industrial product designer who has worked 40 years in the Advertising & Marketing Industry.
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